I have changed my previous blogspot address www.lady-of-style.blogspot.de
to my new own domain ladyofstyle.com
Although both URLs work and you don't have to do anything, you may want to update your bookmarks.
You will find my new outfit post here on Sun, 23 Feb.
In the meantime, please visit my current look "Zebra is the new leopard"
In the meantime, please visit my current look "Zebra is the new leopard"
Sorry for the inconvenience and see you soon,
Ich habe meine bisherige blogspot Adresse www.lady-of-style.blogspot.de
in meine neue eigene Domain ladyofstyle.com geändert.
Beide URLs funktionieren, Ihr müßt nichts tun, aber ich bitte Euch, Eure Lesezeichen zu aktualisieren.
Mein neuer Outfit post folgt hier am So, 23. Feb morgens.
Mein aktueller Look "Zebra is the new leopard"
Mein aktueller Look "Zebra is the new leopard"
Danke für Euer Verständnis und bis morgen,
Are you a follower of Lady of Style via these social media channels?
Bloglovin' is the easiest way to follow my blog, I use it for my daily reads and find it most convenient.
Find out about my new blogposts, interesting links to blogger friends and their latest outfits, amazing style icons and shopping tips on Facebook.
I became a fan of Twitter and really enjoy how easy it is to make most interesting contacts and receive instant updates.
Check out my Pinterest boards, visit my popular collection Style I love and maybe you will even find yourself amongst my Favourite Blogger Looks
Have a look at random photos on my Instagram account with behind the scenes snapshots, family and friends or travel impressions.
A while ago I joined Google+ which is becoming more and more important. Add me to your circles and join interesting communities.
When I have time I love creating collages on various outfits I have worn or style I love. Find them all on Polyvore.
Are you a follower of Lady of Style via these social media channels?
Bloglovin' is the easiest way to follow my blog, I use it for my daily reads and find it most convenient.
Find out about my new blogposts, interesting links to blogger friends and their latest outfits, amazing style icons and shopping tips on Facebook.
I became a fan of Twitter and really enjoy how easy it is to make most interesting contacts and receive instant updates.
Check out my Pinterest boards, visit my popular collection Style I love and maybe you will even find yourself amongst my Favourite Blogger Looks
Have a look at random photos on my Instagram account with behind the scenes snapshots, family and friends or travel impressions.
A while ago I joined Google+ which is becoming more and more important. Add me to your circles and join interesting communities.
When I have time I love creating collages on various outfits I have worn or style I love. Find them all on Polyvore.