Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Golden October and outdoors sports activities


Making the most of our beautiful autumn weather outdoors

Many of you know I am a 100% summer person but I can't hide that I fully enjoy our current sunny and mild October weather which turned nature in a golden beauty. Whenever I can, I spend time outside on my terrace (have you seen my photos of last weekend on Instagram?) and often I go for a walk after work, rest by the little stream daydreaming or sit on a bench and read a book.

The gorgeous little valley where we took these photos is only 10 minutes from my hometown on the way to King Ludwig's Linderhof Palace - see my post in front of the castle here.

Please note I am only dressed for a walk on footpaths and across the fields but not for a hike where you need proper gear and weatherproof clothes. Again and again we have tourists not suitably dressed when they hike our mountains wearing sandals or sneakers! Unfortunately too often our mountain rescue service has to take care of their inconsiderate activities.


Sunday, 27 September 2015

How to wear a tunic dress over leggings


A style for the transitional season

I love dresses and I love bare legs but autumn has arrived here in Southern Bavaria. Although I am really determined not to wear tights yet, I am struggling when morning temperatures are in the low 40s F. Only when absolutely necessary, I wear them and most of the time opt for trousers these days. What's the alternative? Dresses and long tunics over skinnies and leggings? I have tried it!

Tunicdress over leggings

Currently I am looking for a new camel coat and saw this one from H&M's new Conscious Collection. I didn't want to order it online but rather had a look at my local store and was really disappointed - totally different colour and not impressed by the quality at all. Instead I found this paisley dress - too short for me and also not warm enough for this season but I wanted to give it a try and wear it as a long tunic over leggings. Usually leggings are my comfy-at-home look but I felt this dress was long enough to take them out - it is a thicker fabric and they look and feel more like skinnies, yet more comfortable.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Klassisches Styling einer Bikerjacke von Tchibo


Meine Ü50 Stylingvariante einer schwarzen Lederjacke | *sponsored

Ich stelle gar nicht erst die Frage "Kann man über 50 einer Bikerjacke tragen?" Natürlich kann man!!
Für mich geht es darum, wie ich sie so kombiniere, dass ich nicht krampfhaft versuche, wie 25 auszusehen, sondern wie ich den Bikerlook meinem persönlichen Stil anpassen kann.

Ein wichtiger Punkt dabei: Die Qualität muss stimmen und diese rockige Echtlederjacke aus der aktuellen Kollektion von Tchibo ist wirklich klasse und sehr angenehm zu tragen. Sie ist weich und das Leder dennoch dick genug für die Übergangszeit, ohne dabei aufzutragen. Außerdem mag ich daran, dass die Reissverschlüsse dezent dunkel gehalten sind und nicht in auffälligem Silber!

Mein klassisches Styling

Kombiniert habe ich meine taillierte Lederjacke mit einer dunkelblauen flared Jeans mit höherem Bund und einer hellblauen, schmalgeschnittenen Bluse von Tchibo. Dazu passt meine neue schwarze Tasche mit Nieten von Hallhuber, die ich kürzlich am Flughafen gekauft habe, als ich nach Hamburg geflogen bin. Mein Stil ist damit klassisch-cool, aber nicht zu rockig oder lässig.


Friday, 4 September 2015

Autumn Looks in Damart cape and biker jacket


Cosy dogtooth woolen wrap and on-trend biker style jacket | *sponsored

Suddenly it was autumn... We had a lovely dinner outside with temperatures around 28C Tuesday night which turned into a drop of temperatures, wind and rain the next day. But I am hoping for warm and sunny weather which is typical for our area in September and October. Locals as well as tourists use that season a lot for hiking and mountainbiking.

Before the rain started we had the opportunity to shoot my new autumn looks from Damart - a lovely and cosy cape and a classy biker style jacket with trendy faux leather sleeves.

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