Ideales Kombiteil für den Frühling: Leichter Kurzmantel in edler, zarter Farbe

Kurzmantel Lederleggings Rosenschal LadyofStyle


Unser mehr als unbeständiges Wetter – um es mal höflich auszudrücken – ließ bisher keine luftige Frühjahrsmode zu. Kurze Ärmel oder Röcke ohne Strumpfhose waren nicht mal für mich eine Option und ich bin sonst eine der ersten, die ihre winterlich blassen Beine zeigt!
Um Mäntel kam ich meist nicht herum und auch an diesem Osterwochenende ist es bei uns im Alpenvorland leider nochmal weiß geworden…


Ideales Kombiteil für den Frühling:
Leichter Kurzmantel in edler Farbe


Ich hoffe aber sehr und vertraue unserem Wetterbericht, dass damit nun endgültig Schluss ist und ich meine Wintermäntel dauerhaft gegen Trenchcoats, Blazer und Cardigans austauschen kann!

Dieser silberne, verschlusslose Kurzmantel ist schon ein paar Jahre alt, aber immer wieder ein tolles Kombiteil. Kein wärmender Mantel, ich trage ihn eher wie einen langen Blazer und daher ist er auch super schick für drinnen geeignet. Ich habe ihn im letzten Frühling lässig mit Jeans gezeigt und in einer eleganten Kombination hier vorgestellt.

Meinen Mantel gibt es leider nicht mehr, aber ich habe eine Auswahl an leichten Kurzmänteln in zarten Frühlingsfarben für Euch zusammengestellt, sollte Euch mein Look zum Nachstylen inspirieren.


Ich trage

Kurzmantel von Bon A’Parte (ein paar Jahre alt)
Lederleggings von Madeleine (c/o 2017)
Rosentuch von eternal collection (c/o 2017)
Tasche von Hallhuber (ausverkauft)
Blumengurt von Hallhuber
Lack-Mokassins von Madeleine (c/o 2017)



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Kurzmantel Lederleggings Rosenschal LadyofStyle


Our winter has been extremely long and our recent weather far from anything you’d expect from spring…
Very cold and grey with snow even this Easter weekend! No short sleeves, skirts or pumps, I don’t even want to mention bare legs… Usually I am one of the first to skip tights but not this year.

Until now I was wearing boots and winter coats and really hope I can rely on the weather forecast and the late arrival of spring this week.


Versatile light coats for spring


Time to store away my warm coats and get my trenchcoats, blazers and cardigans out.

This short silver coat is a couple of years old but a perfect piece that goes with a lot of different stylings. It is really light and I also wear it indoors instead of a blazer. Last year I paired it with casual jeans here and also showed you a more elegant look in this post.

Unfortunately my silver coat is no longer available but I put together a selection of light spring coats for you should you feel inspired by my look.



Kurzmantel Lederleggings Rosenschal LadyofStyle
Kurzmantel Lederleggings Rosenschal LadyofStyle
Kurzmantel Lederleggings Rosenschal LadyofStyle
Kurzmantel Lederleggings Rosenschal LadyofStyle
Kurzmantel Lederleggings Rosenschal LadyofStyle
Kurzmantel Lederleggings Rosenschal LadyofStyle
Kurzmantel Lederleggings Rosenschal LadyofStyle
Kurzmantel Lederleggings Rosenschal LadyofStyle
Kurzmantel Lederleggings Rosenschal LadyofStyle

Jasmin Huber Fotografie


13 Kommentare

  1. No Fear of Fashion
    1. April 2018 / 9:39

    You are right, it is a very versatile coat. I looked back at your previous stylings of the coat.
    We had lovely weather over here, but now it rains again and it is grey. Good for the garden. I will put on my yellow coat/jacket. The one I wore to our blogger meeting in London. Very appropriate for easter, yellow. Thank you for the inspiration.

  2. Nemke
    1. April 2018 / 12:31

    Absolutely gorgeous!
    Wishing you and your family the happy Easter!

  3. Elizabeth
    1. April 2018 / 19:43

    Sehr schon Annette! The silver coat is so lovely on you. The skinny trousers look so good with the shorter coat. I think that these trousers make you and everyone else look so much taller. That is why I prefer skinny pants because I am only 164 cm.

    • Annette
      4. April 2018 / 9:44

      Hi Elizabeth, thank you very much – obviously it works since I am only 163cm!
      xx Annette

  4. Simplement Lui
    2. April 2018 / 14:13

    Spring will come … it’s announced for the end of the week here 😉 Classy outfit!

  5. JO
    3. April 2018 / 5:39

    What is your lipstick color? WE have similar coloring and I have been looking for the shade you are wearing!

    • Annette
      3. April 2018 / 8:35

      Thank you, glad you like it! It is from The Body Shop and I will look up the colour tonight when I am home.

      • JO
        4. April 2018 / 3:55

        Thank you!!!

      • Annette
        4. April 2018 / 9:42

        Jo, I now had a look and I am not 100% sure which one I used but here are a couple which are very similar to this shade and I am wearing them a lot:

        CATRICE Supreme Fusion 020 „EveryBARE and Nowhere“
        CATRICE Supreme Fusion 030 „Robin Rosewood“
        THE BODY SHOP 070 (silver case, maybe no longer available)

        I always add a light rosé gloss on top
        My favourite lip liner exactly matching these soft tones is MAX FACTOR Colour Elixir Lip Liner 06 „Mauve Movement“

        Hope that helps!
        Kind regards, Annette

  6. Elle
    3. April 2018 / 20:04

    I really love your silver coat. The texture is lovely and I always love the three-quarter sleeve. Your rose scarf is the perfect accent around your face. And you look very chic, indeed .

    • Annette
      4. April 2018 / 9:46

      Thank you for your kind words, Elle! I especially like the 3/4 sleeves with tops, very convenient in my office job and also nice to show off nice arm candy!
      Much love, Annette

  7. JO
    4. April 2018 / 14:41

    I was able to buy the Robin Rosewood which is the color I was looking for!
    Can you share which gloss you use?

    • Annette
      5. April 2018 / 9:43

      Glad you found it, Jo!
      I can recommend MISSLYN rich colour gloss 195 (lovely soft colour, not very shiny) or MANHATTAN high shine 52N dusty pink (lots of sparkle)
      xx Annette

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